I'm using $.post to send data to the server. There are 4 values that I want to send, two from a form, and two that I've written inside the function:
var desc = $('textarea[name="image_description"]').fieldSerialize();
var album = $('select[name="album"]').fieldSerialize();
and the other two I was just putting into an Object{a:"something", b:"something else"}
I know I could just get the values of the form elements and add them to the object that way, but I was wondering if there was an easy way to combine these two types (ie query string and object) into the data argument?
.serialize() return string which means you can append your additional values from functions.
var data = $("#yourForm").serialize() + "&a=something&b=else";
I think it is easy and enough to solve your question but if you need more special way to do it, take a look at http://api.jquery.com/jQuery.param/.
so you can do things like
var myObject = {
a: "something",
b: "else"
var moreValues = $.param(myObject);
var data = $("#yourForm").serialize() + "&" + moreValues;