For a college assignment I have to read JSON data into an Adobe Edge project. In the JSON below you will see I made an array of colors. A function setElementsColor(color)
has to look up the correct object in the Colors
array of the json file. So the argument color
has to be equal the colorName
of the object. I am not quite sure how to do this.
Here is the JSON:
"Colors": [
"colorName": "Black",
"imageName": "fridge_black.jpg",
"footerName": "black_footer.png",
"facebookLogo": "black_facebook.png",
"twitterLogo": "black_twitter.png",
"linkedinLogo": "black_linkedin.png"
"colorName": "Blue",
"imageName": "fridge_blue.jpg",
"footerName": "blue_footer.png",
"facebookLogo": "blue_facebook.png",
"twitterLogo": "blue_twitter.png",
"linkedinLogo": "blue_linkedin.png"
The following function is used to read out the JSON-file.
function setElementsColor(color){
//The JSON must be read out here
I'd use $.grep
function setElementsColor(color){
var obj = $.grep(data.Colors, function(color) {
return color.colorName === color;
/* Use obj */
I'd be easier if Colors
were an Object instead of an Array.
Disclaimer: Untested.