I am making a Bookstore website. I use Visual Studio 2010 and MS SQL Database. I have images about books. I have a Book table in database and there is an image column in this table.
I saved these images (in byte array format) in database.
I tested it in Windows Form Application and everything is ok. I mean i can retrieve and save images to/from database. when I retrieve them from database, i save them (in System.Drawing.Image format) in Book class.
public Book
private int id;
private System.Drawing.Image image;
// name and other .. informations, constructor, get and set methods;
public BookLayer
// after call this method i can get all informations from database
public static List<Book> getBooks()
I use datalist with objectdatasource in Asp.net 4 Web Project. I wrote Book and BookLayer class for objectdatasource. I can show all informations in datalist except image. because image is System.Drawing.Image in Book class but image is System.ui.WebControls.Image which in datalist template item. Format is different. How can i do that ? is that way wrong ? Pls give me any advice.
Yes use handler. You can do as Add a template field
<img border="2" width="150px" src="../images/loading.gif" onload="getpic(this,'<%# Eval("bkid")%>');"/>
use the following java script function getpic(img, pid) {
try {
img.onload = null;
img.src = '../Getimage.ashx?id=' + pid;
} catch (e) {
in your getimage.ashx
byte[] imageBytes = ;// ToDOget your byte
Bitmap newBmp = ConvertToBitmap(imageBytes);
if (newBmp != null)
newBmp.Save(context.Response.OutputStream, System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Jpeg);