I am making some utility classes that make different types of symbols to place onto an elevation of CAD drawings. I want to make sure that if I need to dispose of the GraphicsPath object that I do so.
In the code below from inside the getCircle function it shows that I am passing the myPath "GraphicsPath" object to the AddStringToPath function.
I cannot use the using(){} scope for this because I am passing the myPath graphics object as a ref.
Is this design ok to use or do I need to go about this a different way to ensure garbage collection?
GraphicsPath getCircle(Graphics dc, string text = "")
GraphicsPath myPath = new GraphicsPath();
AddStringToPath(dc, ref myPath, text);
return myPath;
void AddStringToPath(Graphics dc, ref GraphicsPath path, string text)
SizeF textSize = dc.MeasureString(text, elevFont);
var centerX = (path.GetBounds().Width / 2) - (textSize.Width / 2);
var centerY = (path.GetBounds().Height / 2) - (textSize.Height / 2);
// Add the string to the path.
new PointF(centerX + 2, centerY + 2),
your function which creates the path should be used later in a using statement
using(var path = getCircle(dc, "Text"))
// do something with path
it would also be better, if you would call the function CreateCircle
instead of getCircle