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How to disable semantic for specific type of files

For files with mixed types of programming languages, such as .html, semantic has trouble analyzing the code. Is there any way to specifically disable the auto analyzing by semantic for those types of files?

I am using the built-in cedet coming with Emacs 24:

CEDET Version:  1.0
            Requested   File        Loaded
  Package       Version     Version     Version
  cedet:        1.0     nil     ok
  eieio:        1.3     nil     ok
  semantic:     2.0     nil     ok
  srecode:      1.0     nil     ok
  ede:          1.0     nil     ok
  speedbar:     1.0     nil     ok


  • Use semantic-inhibit-functions. For example, this:

    (setq semantic-inhibit-functions
          (list (lambda () (not (and (featurep 'cc-defs)

    should disable Semantic in all non-cc-mode buffers.