I am trying to determine whether I can use a ManualResetEvent
here to ensure that in a concurrent environment, the inner actions of myMethod()
are never invoked concurrently.
static volatile bool _syncInitialized = false;
static ManualResetEvent _syncEvent = new ManualResetEvent(false);
static object _syncLock = new object();
void myMethod()
lock (_syncLock)
if (!_syncInitialized) // sync hasn't started, so
_syncInitialized = true;
_syncEvent.Set(); // signal for the first time only
if (_syncEvent.WaitOne()) // wait for signal
_syncEvent = new ManualResetEvent(false); // reset to false
// actions that should be forced to run sequentially
EDIT - Note I am using ManualResetEvent instead of just lock() because I want to be able to add a timeout, potentially.
You have at least one opportunity for a race condition. Consider:
Thread #1 executes the _syncEvent.WaitOne()
and succeeds, then gets swapped out before it can execute the _syncEvent.Close()
. Thread #2 comes along and executes the WaitOne()
, and also succeeds.
Another problem is that you're calling Close()
followed by constructing a new instance, apparently as a way to reset. Imagine, then, that you call Close()
, the thread is swapped out, the next thread comes along and tries to do WaitOne()
, and throws an exception because the object has been closed.
If you want to reset the event, call Reset()
You probably can't make this work with a ManualResetEvent
. As others have said, ManualResetEvent
is used for signaling, not mutual exclusion.
You say that you'll want to implement a timeout in the future. If you just want a thread to wait on the lock for a period of time and then exit if it can't obtain the lock, use one of the Monitor.TryEnter overloads that accept a timeout value. For example:
private object _syncObject = new Object();
void MyMethod()
if (!Monitor.TryEnter(_syncObject, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5)))
return; // couldn't get the lock
// got the lock. Do stuff here
Monitor.Exit(); // release the lock
There is some debate over whether you really want to release the lock in the finally
. If the code throws an exception, then it's possible (likely?) that the resource you were protecting is now in an incomplete or otherwise corrupt state. In that case, you might not want to let other threads act on it. Whether you release the lock in the face of exceptions is a design decision that you'll have to make, consistent with your application's requirements.