I'm pretty new to smalltalk and an apparently easy problem drives me crazy. My own class inheritates from the Morphic class and overwrites keyStroke
keyStroke: anEvent
Transcript show: myDigitClass.
(((anEvent keyValue) > 47) and: ((anEvent keyValue) < 58)) ifTrue: [
"myDigitClass dropADigit"
"myDigitClass setADigit: (anEvent keyValue) asCharacter."
Transcript show: (anEvent keyValue) asCharacter
that works so far and the Transcript shows me my input I made on the keyboard but the instance variable myDigitClass is NIL even though I initialised this variable and passed it through a setter-method to this class. If access myDigitClass by a getter-method I wrote it works.
I call the showPane method and assign the input param digitMD to the instance Var.
showPane: digitMD
myDigitClass := digitMD.
pane := DigitMorph new.
pane extent: 340@340.
^pane openInWorld.
And in the Workspace I do the following:
myDigitClass := DigitClass new.
myTest := DigitMorph new.
myTest showPane: myDigitClass.
You can access instance variables directly by sending the object #instVarNamed:
. This is a private method though and should only be used if you know what you are doing, or for debugging.
You would use #instVarNamed:
in your example the following way, assuming the instance variable of your class is called theDigit
Transcript show: (myDigitClass instVarNamed: 'theDigit').
The transcript will show the value effectively stored (e.g. nil