so I have the following models:
Country City Company CompanyOffice
The connections are like this:
Company -1:n-> CompanyOffice -> City -> Country
So now I have a formtastic form for the Company model. What works fine is changing everything in the Company model. But I want to let the user type in multiple addresses for the company.
I tried:
= semantic_form_for, :url => url do |f|
= f.input :name, :label => 'Company name'
= f.input :logo, :label => 'Company Logo'
= f.inputs :for => :company_offices do |co, i|
= :city, :collection => City.all, :label => 'City'
= co.input :street, :label => 'Street'
This doesn't work. How would you do it?
do you have nested attributes in your models? see