I'm trying to make a Minesweeper-like game in Java and I've got most of it to work. Something I need help with is FloodFill - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flood_fill.
Can someone explain how it works? I've looked online but I don't really understand the explanation so I thought it would be easier to ask here.
In my Minesweeper I have:
JButton[] btn = new JButton[100]//buttons being clicked and displaying the values/bombs
int[] mines = new int[100];//int array holding the values for each button.
The grid is a 10x10 grid so say the button you clicked was btn[14],
btn[4] // north of btn[14](14-10)
btn[24] // south of btn[14](14+10)
btn[13] // west of btn[14](14-1)
btn[15] // east of btn[14](14+1)
So back to the question, could someone explain it to me?
EDIT: I changed my code to be 2D so instead of the above one it is now
btn[1][4]//row one, column 4
When the button is clicked, i want it to check a variable called mines[][] which has the values and if the value is equal to 0(around the initial clicked) it changes the BG
Its a recursive algorithm. You start at some start position in a 2D Grid [x,y], then look in all directions and fill them if you can. If (x,y) can't be filled, return.
void floodFill( int x, int y ) {
if ( btn( x, y ) isFillable ) {
floodFill( x+1, y );
floodFill( x-1, y );
floodFill( x, y-1 );
floodFill( x, y+1 );
} else {
(ommited check for boundaries of grid)