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Eclipse e4 : IStartup extension not working

I am trying to extending "org.eclipse.ui.startup" extendion point. but it seems in eclipse e4 ,it does not even getting called. is this extension is broken in eclipse e4(Juno)


  • I had the same problem and couldn't find an answer, but in the process I discovered the LifeCycleHandler which is even better for my purpose. It might be a good alternative for you as well.

    Just as with the startup-extension you can reference a handler from your plugin.xml:

    <property name="lifeCycleURI" value="platform:/plugin/<plug-in-id>/<path-to-handler-class>" />

    In the handler you can use annotations to mark the method that is to be invoked as well as dependency injection:

    public class StartupHandler {
        Foo bar;
        public void startup(IEclipseContext context) {
           // do something

    You can find a detailed example here: