I am trying to better understand the usage of the event attribute clientX and clientY.
I need to find the top and left offset of the mouse pointer when it moves over a particular div . The projectImage(x) function is attached to the onmouseover of the div. x is a function argument based on which the URL of a particular image can be determined.
Now. clientX is the left offset of the pointer at the time the mouseover event happens, so what can I enter for event in event.clientX
Th function below does not work (Reported as Not Defined by the JS Console) I think because of a syntax error in the first two lines.
function projectImage(x)
// Should the 1st two lines (right hand side) be x.clientY and x.clientX,
// x is a function argument not event relevant to the pointer offset though
var toffset = x.clientY ; // help_me_here.clientY
var loffset = x.clientX ; // Event_Identifier_??.cleintX
var picdiv = document.getElementById("picdiv") ;
picdiv.style.position = "absolute" ;
picdiv.style.left = loffset + "px" ;
picdiv.style.top = toffset + "px" ;
picdiv.innerHTML = "<img src='" + "http://imageServer.com/" + x.split("|")[1] + "' width='30px' />" ;
picdiv.style.visibility = "visible";
As @FelixKling mentions you should be passing the event object.
I recommend switching to addEventListener
instead of using inline events as well, I set you up an example here.
var x = document.getElementById('x');
var y = document.getElementById('y');
document.getElementById('test').addEventListener('mousemove', function(e){
x.innerHTML = 'X: ' + e.clientX;
y.innerHTML = 'Y: ' + e.clientY;
If you're dead set on inline events, though, you can do it via <div onmouseover="projectImage(event,'Joey|123');"> Joey </div>