For example, I don't how many clients will connect, but I'd like for any number of clients to be able to connect during a time period, say 10 seconds.
Right now I have something like this:
unsigned int currentTime = (unsigned int)time(NULL);
int session[100], sessionCount = 0;
// accept connections for 10 seconds:
while ( (unsigned int)time(NULL) - currentTime < 10 ) {
session[sessionCount++] = accept( my_sock_desc, (struct sockaddr *)&client_sock_addr, &sock_size );
This will accept any number of connections, but obviously, the last iteration of the while loop will leave a call to accept() blocking the program from continuing.
How would I solve this problem?
check server code here
pseudo code:
listener thread:
if(accept(...)) dispatch_msg_to_processing_thread;
processing thread: process message.