I was reading this article the other day and was wondering why there was a Finalizer along with the Dispose method. I read here on SO as to why you might want to add Dispose to the Finalizer. My curiousity is, when would the Finalizer be called over the Dispose method itself? Is there a code example or is it based on something happening on the system the software is running? If so, what could happen to not have the Dispose method run by the GC.
The purpose of the finaliser here is simply a safety precaution against memory leaks (if you happen not to call Dispose
explicitly). It also means you don't have to dispose your objects if you want them to release resources when the program shutdowns, since the GC will be forced to finalise and collect all objects anyway.
As a related point, it is important to dispose the object slightly differently when doing so from the finaliser.
public void Dispose()
protected void Dispose(disposing)
if (!this.disposed)
if (disposing)
// Dispose managed resources here.
// Dispose unmanaged resources here.
this.disposed = true;
The reason you do not want to dispose managed resources in your finaliser is that you would actually be creating strong references to them in doing so, and this could prevent the GC from doing it's job properly and collecting them. Unmanaged resources (e.g. Win32 handles and such) should always be explicitly closed/disposed, of course, since the CLR has no knowledge of them.