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Getting call log in android returning index out of bound when splitting result row on "\n"

while retrieving call log in android, I am getting an index out of bound when trying to split the result on "\n" based on the projection for index 1

     * projection string that will contain the values retrieved 
    String[] projection = new String[] { Calls.DATE, Calls.NUMBER, Calls.DURATION };

     * Cursor to loop on the results of the query
    Cursor callLogCursor = getApplicationContext().getContentResolver().query(CallLog.Calls.CONTENT_URI, projection, null, null, CallLog.Calls.DEFAULT_SORT_ORDER); 


     * Loop through the call log and get the number needed or until 
     * we retrieved all call logs
    String row;
    while (callLogCursor.isAfterLast() == false) {
        for (int i=0; i<callLogCursor.getColumnCount(); i++) {
            row = callLogCursor.getString(i);
            String[] parts = row.split("\n");
            callLogs += CommonUtils.formatDate(parts[0]) + "-" + parts[1] + "-" + parts[2] + "\n";

Not sure if I am missing something here. I really appreciate any help.

The toast is showing 3 values consecutively



  • I found the answer thanks to @Martin Foot

    the for loop actually gets individual result alone not all results. so when getting the callLogCusor.getString(i), I am getting the value of a specific column, not all the row.

    the code now looks like

    for (int i=0; i<callLogCursor.getColumnCount(); i++) {
                if(i == 0){
                    String type = getLogType(callLogCursor.getString(i));
                    callLogs += type;
                } else if (i == 1){
                    callLogs += "-" + CommonUtils.formatDate(callLogCursor.getLong(i));
                } else if (i == 2){
                    callLogs += "-" + callLogCursor.getString(i);
                } else if (i == 3){
                    callLogs += "-" + CommonUtils.formatDuration(callLogCursor.getInt(i)) + "\n";