I'm trying to set up a Google Maps on device and on top of it show some simple buttons. But events that I attach to those buttons seems to interferee somehow with map drag functionaliy. Basically drag completly doesnt work and also gives me this button not workin. I really dont care about this drag (I dont need it) - but i cant figure out how to disable it.
Does any of you tried that? (I dont want to use static google images only, I still want to have an option to move around, zoom in and out, but on my own buttons). Biggest problem is markers - because I want to have them be clickable. So There might be 2 solutions:
How to disable dragable behaviour?
How to make only markers clickable (outside of a Map layer somehow, but able to move together with map).
I was thinking in hacky way to create an overlay that would pass only few events but this doesnt work... Anyone has any ideas?
Thanks in advance,
To prevent map from scrolling you must setScrollGesturesEnabled to false on UiSettings: