I'm trying to add listener to my table in order to call another jJavascript function.
My app is a simple upload script, when user chooses a file it uploads and creates new row in the table. Therefore at each creation of new row I would like to call a Javascript function.
My sample code is the following:
$("#fayls").bind("DOMNodeInserted", function() {
alert('ha cambiato')
Where fayls
is the id of my table.
When I run this code, it calls this event infinitely instead of just one.
How should I solve this problem ?
As you all mentioned, the problem is caused from chosen, for each drop box item in chosen, it fires the DOM event, therefore I'll have infinite loop.
I found a simple solution by just filtering the unnecessary events:
$("#listenMe").bind("DOMNodeInserted", function(event) {
var targetName = event.target.nodeName.toString() ;
if (targetName == "TR") {
//alert('ha cambiato - Event Node Name:' + event.target.nodeName)
Therefore it only runs when a new row added into a table