I need to use CKEDITOR ( http://ckeditor.com/ ) like a simple
<input type="text" />
I modified the file config.js adding the following settings:
config.toolbar = 'SimpleVersion';
config.toolbar_SimpleVersion =
Then, in the main page:
editor = CKEDITOR.replace("mydiv", { toolbar : 'SimpleVersion' });
editor.config.height = 50;
editor.config.removePlugins = 'resize';
editor.config.resize_enabled = false;
It works, but I need, if it's possible, to remove the bottom part where "body" is written, and also inhibit the new line whenever the Return button is pressed.
I think that for the last one, it may be possible to use a JQuery trigger.
I found the solution:
1) when I create the editor there is a configuration option to toggle the bottom part of the editor
editor = CKEDITOR.replace("mydiv", { toolbar : 'SimpleVersion', removePlugins : 'elementspath' });
2) to inhibite the return button I've created the following trigger on key:
editor.on('key', function(e) {
var key = e.data.keyCode;
return false;