I am trying to understand below problem. I want to know why B == A
and C == B
are false in the following program.
using System;
namespace Mk
public class Class1
public int i = 10;
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
Class1 A = new Class1();
Class1 B = new Class1();
Class1 C = A;
Console.WriteLine(B == A);
Console.WriteLine(C == B);
In .NET, classes are reference types. Reference types has two thing. Object and a reference to object.
In your case, A
is a reference to the ObjectA
, B
is a reference to the ObjectB
When you define Class1 C = A;
- First, you create two thing. An object called ObjectC and a reference to the object called C.
- Then you copy reference of
to reference ofC
. Now, A and C is reference to the same object.
When you use ==
with reference objects, if they reference to the same objets, it returns true
, otherwise return false
In your case, that's why B == A
and C == B
returns false
, but if you tried with A == C
, it returns true