I am pasting the whole function in here, and by the way I used the mustache templating library in this script, but that is not necessary in the question:
tmplReplaceContent : function(json, tmpl, target){
var regex = new RegExp("\{{[a-zA-Z\.\_]*\}}");
var template = '';
var view = '';
/* json -> check if object */
if (typeof json == 'object') {
view = json;
/* get mustache tmpl from the path */
$.get(msi.vars.tmpl_url + tmpl + '.mustache', function(tmplOut){
template = tmplOut;
var content = Mustache.render(template, view);
} else {
template = tmpl;
var content = Mustache.render(template, view);
} else {
/* getJSON from the path */
$.getJSON(msi.vars.base_url + json, function(jsonOut){
view = jsonOut;
/* get mustache tmpl from the path */
$.get(msi.vars.tmpl_url + tmpl + '.mustache', function(tmplOut){
template = tmplOut;
var content = Mustache.render(template, view);
} else {
template = tmpl;
var content = Mustache.render(template, view);
I wasn't able to make it short and remove the repetitive code because I cannot assign local variables in the Ajax success for it is asynchronous. I have wandered in the internet for about 15 hrs. But still no luck.
How can I remove repetitive code and make this thing shorter?
tmplReplaceContent : function(json, tmpl, target) {
var regex = new RegExp("\{{[a-zA-Z\.\_]*\}}"),
view = '';
function setOutput(template) {
var content = Mustache.render(template, view);
function doJSON(json) {
view = json;
/* get mustache tmpl from the path */
$.get(msi.vars.tmpl_url + tmpl + '.mustache', setOutput);
} else {
/* json -> check if object */
if (typeof json === 'object') {
} else {
/* getJSON from the path */
$.getJSON(msi.vars.base_url + json, doJSON);