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Javascript Object custom functions

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Javascript closure inside loops - simple practical example
Javascript infamous Loop problem?

I have a base function, that I want to control what ends up being like a "bumpbox". My goal is to instantiate multiple instances of this and give each of the declared variables a custom config.

The object looks like this:

Project.Modules.bumpbox = function(in_trigger, container) {

    var config = {

        'speed': 500,
        'easing' : false,//will 
        'in_callback': false,
        'out_callback' : false,
        'visible': false,
        'out_trigger' : $('#bumpbox_out_trigger'),//this is set by default only change if you know what you are doing!

    this.test = function() {

        //this should be the default function. 


And then, from another file, I want to instantiate an instance like new Project.Modules.Bumpbox() and overwrite the test function.

var bumpbox_controllers = {

            "map" : new Project.Modules.bumpbox($('#navigation_top'), $('')),
            "contact" : new Project.Modules.bumpbox($('#navigation_top'), $('')),
            "about" : new Project.Modules.bumpbox($('#navigation_left li.about'), $('.bumpbox.about')),
            "team" : new Project.Modules.bumpbox($('#navigation_left'), $('')),
            "careers" : new Project.Modules.bumpbox($('#navigation_left'), $('')),
            "services" : new Project.Modules.bumpbox($('#navigation_left'), $(''))

and then I want to loop through each of those and set a custom test() function in each like this:

    bumpbox_controllers[i]['test'] = function() {


But when I run this code, it will switch all of the elements to the last i value called, in this case "service", not giving each a unique element.


  • You seem to need a closure for your loop:

    for (var controller in bumpbox_controllers) {
        bumpbox_controllers[controller] = (function(i) {
            // creating a new context for i
            return function() {
                alert(i); // access the i in scope, not the controller