I want to create a PL/produces that checks the start date and end date in the database. here is my data
---------------------------------------- --------- --------- -----------------------------
Simon Palm 20-AUG-01 19-AUG-02 0
Simon Palm 20-SEP-02 19-AUG-03 0
Flut 10-JUN-99 09-SEP-02 0
John Cliff 10-MAR-03 10-APR-04 0
If the user trying to input a person that has the same date_from and date_to, then it should not be permitted, therefore a exception error. Here is how far i did, but i am sure thats not how a procedure should be. Any help?
x contractinfo.date_from%Type,
y contractinfo.date_to%Type)
IF x!=y THEN
INSERT INTO contractInfo VALUES(x,y);
The proper way to enforce this would be with a database constraint.
alter table contractors add constraint contractor_date_uk unique
(has_contract, start_date, end_date);
This is the standard way, it is scalable, works in a multi-user environment and cannot be circumvented by cheeky developers.
Of course it is important to ensure that the time element is removed from the dates. This can be done in a trigger, or enforced through an index (which can be used by the constraint:
create unique index contractor_date_uidx
on contractors(has_contract, trunc(start_date), trunc(end_date));
Note that I am including the contractor person in the check - your question isn't clear on that point. If you really only want one contractor in force at a time then simply remove HAS_CONTRACT from the uniqueness specification.
The other thing is, this doesn't allow for overlaps. Your posted data has overlapping date ranges, so I presume that is okay. If you want to avoid overlapping date ranges, please edit your question to say so; but be warned, the logic gets gnarly.