I am trying to do a custom Google search using ajax call.
I searched in Google and found a good link.
Here a textbox and a button is coming automatically and when we click the search button the result is showing in the div.
But I want to search the item which is written in my self created textbox. Means:Manually I created a textbox and a button. I want to show result when i click my button with the query written in my textbox.
Please help
Thanks in advance.
write this in submit button
// get a custom search control & keep it in cseControl
// note: put your own custom search ID number here
var cseControl = new google.search.CustomSearchControl('009827885688477640989:igzwimalyta');
// open pages from search results clicks on the same page
// when there are no matches, explain why
cseControl.setNoResultsString("Sorry, there are no pages in this web site that match all the search terms.");
// make the search field visible in div with ID 'cseDiv'