I am writing a backbone collection which requires pagination. So this is my code
], function(_, Backbone, Object){
"use strict";
var myCollection= Backbone.Paginator.clientPager.extend({
model: Object,
paginator_core: {
// the type of the request (GET by default)
type: 'GET',
// the type of reply (jsonp by default)
dataType: 'json',
// the URL (or base URL) for the service
url: location.protocol + '//' + location.host+'/address'
paginator_ui: {
// the lowest page index your API allows to be accessed
firstPage: 1,
// which page should the paginator start from
// (also, the actual page the paginator is on)
currentPage: 1,
// how many items per page should be shown
perPage: 3,
// a default number of total pages to query in case the API or
// service you are using does not support providing the total
// number of pages for us.
// 10 as a default in case your service doesn't return the total
totalPages: 10,
pagesInRange: 3
server_api: {
'$top': function() {
return this.totalPages * this.perPage; },
return dat.items;
return new myCollection();
My view looks like this:
], function($, _, Backbone, AddressLists,Address,Shared_object_item){
"use strict";
var AppView = Backbone.View.extend({
events: {
initialize: function() {
_.bindAll(this,'render','updateData','showMoreData','showAllData'); this.collection=AddressLists;
render: function() {
var that=this;
var that=this,collection;
$('.innerItem').append(new Shared_object_item({parent:that,collection:that.collection,model:model}).render().el);
return AppView;
now in my view I am calling : fetch();
and on success of the fetch I am trying to call this.collection.requestNextPage();
It works fine till fetch(), but as soon as it hits the requestNextPage function(which resides in the showMoreData() function ), it throws an error stating that requestNextPage() is not a function.
I dont know wheere am I going wrong here..
From the Backbone.Paginator docs requestNextPage(options)
is a convenience method on Paginator.requestPager
, but you are extending Paginator.clientPager
. Looks like you'll need to use nextPage()