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How to get to fill in local server in JavaScript jQuery.Load call

I have a Javascript function, where I want to call jQuery.Load() to load a file. How would I get ASP.Net to fill in the local server name, so that I can just give a relative path?

The reason for that is I can give the base, say "", however I would like to be able to test locally and not have to publish on every single build. I just want to load a local file.

My first thought was just "/MyFolder/MyPage.aspx", but that did not work. I then thought of "~/MyFolder/MyPage.aspx", but that did not work either.

I figure it should be some sort of ASP.Net directive to prepend, just I am not sure what.

I wanted to give some code to show the actual use and what worked.

<head runat="server">
   <script type="text/javascript">
        // <![CDATA[
         function DoPopupSignin()
            var urlLoad = "http://" + + '/Candiates/Login.aspx';

            // Triggering bPopup when click event is fired
                //modalClose: false,
                //opacity: 0.6,
                //positionStyle: 'fixed', //'fixed' or 'absolute'
                content: 'iframe', //'iframe' or 'ajax'
                contentContainer: '.content',
                loadUrl: urlLoad, //Uses jQuery.load()
        // ]]> 

I am trying to get my jQuery Popup working loading the contents from another file. My code uses the free jQuery popup control that I found jQuery.bPopup.js.


  • In JavaScript as you are preparing your query, you can use

    var path = + '/relative/path/file.ext';