I'm trying to convert a C++ function with std::string
reference to C#.
My API looks like this:
void GetStringDemo(std::string& str);
Ideally I would like to see something like this from C#
void GetStringDemoWrap(ref string);
I understand I need to create a typemap for this, and I tried a few things by playing around with the std_string.i file, but I don't think I'm getting anywhere. Does anyone has any example. I'm new to both Swig and C# so I'm not able to come up with any genuine ideas.
Just in case somebody is looking for this in the future, I created std_string.i like this for C#. Seems to work for me. Note that I changed the ref to out since it was more appropriate in my case but ref should work as well.
I called %include "std_string.i" from the .i file
/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
* std_string_ref.i
* Typemaps for std::string& and const std::string&
* These are mapped to a C# String and are passed around by reference
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
#include <string>
namespace std {
%naturalvar string;
class string;
// string &
%typemap(ctype) std::string & "char**"
%typemap(imtype) std::string & "/*imtype*/ out string"
%typemap(cstype) std::string & "/*cstype*/ out string"
%typemap(in, canthrow=1) std::string &
%{ //typemap in
std::string temp;
$1 = &temp;
%typemap(argout) std::string &
//Typemap argout in c++ file.
//This will convert c++ string to c# string
*$input = SWIG_csharp_string_callback($1->c_str());
%typemap(argout) const std::string &
//argout typemap for const std::string&
%typemap(csin) std::string & "out $csinput"
%typemap(throws, canthrow=1) string &
%{ SWIG_CSharpSetPendingException(SWIG_CSharpApplicationException, $1.c_str());
return $null; %}
The reason I need to define argout for const std::string& is because SWIG will get confused and override const std::string& also with the typemap. So I explicitly tell it not to override in my case (You may have a different use case)
For Python I created something like this:
//typemap argout std::string&
PyObject* obj = PyUnicode_FromStringAndSize((*$1).c_str(),(*$1).length());
$result=SWIG_Python_AppendOutput($result, obj);
%typemap(argout) const std::string &
//argout typemap for const std::string&