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How to generate a version 4 (random) UUID on Oracle?

This blog explains, that the output of sys_guid() is not random for every system:

Unfortunately I have to use such a system.

How to ensure to get a random UUID? Is it possible with sys_guid()? If not how to reliably get a random UUID on Oracle?


  • I use this now as a workaround:

    create or replace function random_uuid return RAW is
      v_uuid RAW(16);
      v_uuid := sys.dbms_crypto.randombytes(16);
      return (utl_raw.overlay(utl_raw.bit_or(utl_raw.bit_and(utl_raw.substr(v_uuid, 7, 1), '0F'), '40'), v_uuid, 7));
    end random_uuid;

    The function requires dbms_crypto and utl_raw. Both require an execute grant.

    grant execute on sys.dbms_crypto to uuid_user;