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Issue with vlayout in ZK

I am new to ZK. I have craeted a zul file which includes the vlayout component. Here is the entire code:

 <?page title="My Chart"?>

   <zk xmlns=""

    <vlayout apply="org.zkoss.bind.BindComposer" viewModel="@id('vm') @init('util.charts.LineChartVM')" >
       <chart id="chart" title="Half-Year Report" width="520" height="350" paneColor="#FFFFFF"
           type="line" yAxis="Amount"
           model="@bind(vm.model)" engine="@bind(vm.engine)" threeD="@bind(vm.threeD)"
      <hlayout visible="@bind(not empty vm.message)">
         You clicked on :<label value="@bind(vm.message)"/>


Moreover, I have added the following snippet in the pom file:


However, when I run the file I get the following error:

org.zkoss.zk.ui.metainfo.DefinitionNotFoundException: Component definition not found: vlayout in [LanguageDefinition: xul/html],...

It looks like vlayout is not supported in my zul version. Does anyone know a possible solution to this issue? Has anyone had a similar experience?

Thanks in advance!


  • The problem is the version of zk in your pom.
    Vlayout is available since 5.0.4 but you are using 3.6.3
    I guess the best will be to use 6.5.0, which is the newest zk.
    But you need at least 6.0 cos you are using data binding.