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How to add a SaveandContinueEdit Button to my form?

I am working on a new Magento extension, in my Adminhtml form I want to add the button "saveAndContinueEdit"

I've added this code to my Edit.php file.

      $this->_addButton('saveandcontinue', array(
    'label'     => Mage::helper('adminhtml')->__('Save And Continue Edit'),
    'onclick'   => 'saveAndContinueEdit()',
    'class'     => 'save',
), -100);

But whene I click on it, I have this JavaScript error :

Erreur : ReferenceError: saveAndContinueEdit is not defined Fichier Source : http://X.X.X.X/magento/index.php/slider/adminhtml_config/new/key

Can you help me ?


  • in your admin Block Constructor Put these lines.

    $this->_formScripts[] = " function saveAndContinueEdit(){

    Please remember you have to write functionality for it in PHP also. Now in you action just have a final check that if you are getting back as param .. redirect it to referer page.