How to use color picker in android? I tried the following code:
public class FontManager
// This function enumerates all fonts on Android system and returns the HashMap with the font
// absolute file name as key, and the font literal name (embedded into the font) as value.
static public HashMap< String, String > enumerateFonts()
String[] fontdirs = { "/system/fonts", "/system/font", "/data/fonts" };
HashMap< String, String > fonts = new HashMap< String, String >();
TTFAnalyzer analyzer = new TTFAnalyzer();
for ( String fontdir : fontdirs )
File dir = new File( fontdir );
if ( !dir.exists() )
File[] files = dir.listFiles();
if ( files == null )
for ( File file : files )
String fontname = analyzer.getTtfFontName( file.getAbsolutePath() );
if ( fontname != null )
fonts.put( file.getAbsolutePath(), fontname );
return fonts.isEmpty() ? null : fonts;
This code gets run time error. Give some samples.
I don't see anything about a color-picker in your code? But maybe you can just use a library for picking a color: android-color-picker