I installed VEditor (http://sourceforge.net/projects/veditor/) in Eclipse, apparently successfully. But I can't seem to use it!
I'm new to Eclipse plugins (and to Eclipse itself, as a matter of fact), but I'm guessing I would have the option to create a new project with the type "Verilog Project", or something, but there's no such thing.
Also, I tried importing my current "project" (no .eclipse file, it's just a lot of files in some folders) into eclipse and opening one of the files, and the syntax highlighting doesn't work.
So, I'm looking for a path: what do I have to do to code my Verilog projects in Eclipse with VEditor (or any other plugin that serves the same purpose)
Since verilog plugin is tested on Eclipse 3.2.1, on what version of eclipse do you have those issues?
As recommended in the HowTo page, you can try to have a fresh eclipse3.2/JDK5 installation (beside your current eclipse installation) in order to manage your VHDL projects in that instance.