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Import active preprocessor symbols from file into Eclipse CDT

I'm using Eclipse CDT for a C project with custom makefiles, and I want to use the inactive code highlighting as proposed in the answers to question 739230. The automatic discovery of active/defined symbols does not work for my makefiles. Instead I have created a text file for each build target listing the active symbols.

So my questions are:

  1. How do I load these settings into a the project without going through the GUI (folder properties -> Paths and Symbols -> Symbols)?
  2. And how do I choose which configuration/build target the symbols are added to?

Directly editing the the .cproject file and adding lines like this works:

<listOptionValue builtIn="false" value="HIRES_OUTPUT"/>

But only if I go through the GUI to create the first key for each build target. I would prefer to create the build target and import the symbols in one operation.

Writing an Eclipse plugin from scratch seems like overkill for this task.

Any ideas for a smarter way to do this?


  • The Import/Export Wizard can handle Symbol Definitions. Use File->Import and choose C/C++ Project Settings.

    The XML format needed by the Import Wizard can be created from the text file of active symbols with a small throw-away script.

    I used the following python script:

    #       Tool to import a list of defined symbols into Eclipse IDE for code highlighting.
    #       Takes a _cdef.txt file (generated during library build) and converts to an XML file
    #       suitable for import into Eclipse
    #       Use stdin and stdout for input and output.
    import sys
    import string
    header = [
    '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>',
    '<section name="org.eclipse.cdt.internal.ui.wizards.settingswizards.Macros">',
    '<language name="holder for library settings">',
    '<language name="GNU C++">',
    '<language name="GNU C">',
    sys.stdout.write (string.join(header, '\n'))
    tokens = string.split(string.strip(text[0]),',')
    for curtok in tokens:
        lines = ['<macro>',
        '<name>' + string.strip(curtok) + '</name><value></value>',
        '</macro>', '']
        sys.stdout.write(string.join(lines, '\n'))
    footer = [
    '<language name="Assembly">',
    sys.stdout.write (string.join(footer, '\n'))

    The input to the script is a text file with the comma-separated active symbols, all on the first line.