I have a view with cascading dropdown lists (3 to be precise)
the 2nd and 3rd are disabled until the previous option is selected and the jquery fires for it.
All this works great in a state where it's fresh. I would like to use this same view when I have pre set values to pass to it. I have implemented this, to some degree, as I can set the values on the drop downs correctly, however the 2nd and 3rd dropdowns are disabled (since that's the initial state) and therefore do not pass the form field values on post.
Is there anyone who has implemented this kind of scenario successfully? What am I missing to get the dropdowns state to be Enabled?
I need a way to remove the disabled option from the list (like it does when its fresh and selected on each dropdown)
Try this:
if($("#DroprDownListID1").val() != "-SELECT-")