Trying to call a javascript method that required a typed array.
var arrayData = js.array(new Uint8Array.fromList(data.charCodes));
Using js.array does not proxy it the way I was expecting, how could I pass the typed array as a typed array to a javascript method in dart?
You can instantiate ArrayBuffer
and Uint8Array
javascript objects directly from Dart.
If you need only a Uint8Array
javascript object :
js.scoped(() {
final charCodes = "test".charCodes;
final bufView = new js.Proxy(js.context.Uint8Array, js.array(charCodes));
// do something with bufView
If you need an ArrayBuffer
javascript object:
js.scoped(() {
final charCodes = "test".charCodes;
final buf = new js.Proxy(js.context.ArrayBuffer, charCodes.length);
final bufView = new js.Proxy(js.context.Uint8Array, buf)
// do something with buf
Basically, each time you need to use the new
javascript operator, you have to use new js.Proxy(construtor,...)
WARNING : Until a new version has landed containing the pull-request #34 of js-interop, you have to use the following dependency to run the above code snippet.
git: git://