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Why is String " " being read as NULL when mapping from the database to an object using ibatis?

In my oracle database I have table called PERSON with columns code, surname, forename.

eg. 'PER001', '________________', 'Bob' (NOTE: _ = space)

surname is set to NOT NULL but you can enter in a string of spaces like " ".

I am having a problem with this because when Ibatis maps this column to an Object it is mapping it as NULL! when it should be mapping it as " " ?

Any ideas?


  • It is one of the quirks of Oracle that it treats empty strings as NULL. This is controversial in some quarters (trying googling on"empty+string" ). Oracle may change this behaviour in the future. Just don't hold your breath.


    As has been pointed out, it's not an empty string, it's a string of blanks. Well, in that case it's not Oracle itself.

    SQL> desc emp
     Name                                      Null?    Type
     ----------------------------------------- -------- ----------------------------
     EMPNO                                     NOT NULL NUMBER(4)
     ENAME                                     NOT NULL VARCHAR2(10)
     JOB                                                VARCHAR2(9)
     MGR                                                NUMBER(4)
     HIREDATE                                           DATE
     SAL                                                NUMBER(7,2)
     COMM                                               NUMBER(7,2)
     DEPTNO                                             NUMBER(2)
    SQL> insert into emp (empno, ename) values (9999, '      ')
      2  /
    1 row created.
    SQL> select length(ename) from emp
      2  where empno = 9999
      3  /

    Possible culprits are:

    1. a trigger applying a TRIM() to the column in question (or some similar processing)

    2. IBATIS intervening in some fashion