I don't have even any idea how to do this and the documentation of html2canvas is not really helpful at this part.
I'm able to make a screenshot of my html with this little piece of code:
target = $('#myDiv');
html2canvas( target, {
onrendered: function( canvas ) {
/* canvas is the actual canvas element,
to append it to the page call for example
document.body.appendChild( canvas );
but i want to be able to pass an url and make a screenshot of this page. Like they do in their example page on: http://html2canvas.hertzen.com/screenshots.html
If anyone could give me a hint how to get started with that, I would be really glad.
You can't, for security reasons, load just any external URL. That's why, as they described on the page you linked to, you need to set up a separate server-side script that fetches the page. You then use that script, either directly or via AJAX, to provide the input for html2canvas.