I implemented a weather widget using world weather online with Classic asp and XML and everything seems to be working fine, but I would like to know if anybody know how to change the icons at all?
Function getweather(city)
Dim tempC, wDesc, wIcon, currentWeather
Dim wDate, wHigh, wLow, extWeather
url = "http://free.worldweatheronline.com/feed/weather.ashx?q=" & city & ",Canada&format=xml&num_of_days=4&key=********"
set xmlhttp = CreateObject("MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP")
xmlhttp.open "GET", url, false
xmlhttp.send ""
set objXML = Server.CreateObject("MSXML2.DOMDocument")
objXML.async = false
objXML.loadxml xmlhttp.responseText
set x = objXML.getElementsByTagName("current_condition")
if x.length = 0 then
retStr = "Error"
for i = 0 to x.item(0).childNodes.length - 1
if x.item(0).childNodes(i).nodeName = "temp_C" then
tempC = x.item(0).childNodes(i).text & "°C"
end if
if x.item(0).childNodes(i).nodeName = "weatherDesc" then
wDesc = x.item(0).childNodes(i).text
end if
if x.item(0).childNodes(i).nodeName = "weatherIconUrl" then
wIcon = "<img class='wIcon' src=" & x.item(0).childNodes(i).text & " height=45 width=45>"
end if
currentWeather = "<div id='curWeather'><span class='city'>" & city & "</span>" & wIcon & "<div class='tempC'>" & tempC & "<br />" & wDesc & "</div>" & "<a href='#' class='clrWeather' title='Clear weather information'><img src='images/clrweather.gif' alt='Clear weather information' /></a><div style='clear: both;'> </div></div>"
'Extended weather
extWeather = "<div class='extWeather'>"
set y = objXML.getElementsByTagName("weather")
for i = 0 to y.length - 1
for j = 0 to y.item(i).childNodes.length - 1
select case y.item(i).childNodes(j).nodeName
Case "date"
wDate = y.item(i).childNodes(j).text
wDate = "<div class='ewDate'>" & WeekdayName(Weekday(wDate), true) & "</div>"
Case "weatherDesc"
wDesc = "<div class='ewDesc'>" & y.item(i).childNodes(j).text & "</div>"
Case "weatherIconUrl"
wIcon = "<img class='ewIcon' src=" & y.item(i).childNodes(j).text & " height=20 width=20>"
Case "tempMaxC"
wHigh = y.item(i).childNodes(j).text & "°"
Case "tempMinC"
wLow = y.item(i).childNodes(j).text & "°"
end select
extWeather = extWeather & "<div class='extCol'>" & wDate & wIcon & "<div class='wHigh'>" & wHigh & " / " & wLow & "</div>" & wDesc & "</div>"
extWeather = extWeather & "<div style='clear: both;'></div></div>"
retStr = currentWeather & extWeather
end if
set objXML = nothing
set xmlhttp = nothing
getweather = retStr
End function
Function getCities
getCities = "<option value=-1>Select city for weather info</option>" & _
"<optgroup label='ONTARIO'><option value='BARRIE'>BARRIE</option>" & _
"<option value='BRAMPTON'>BRAMPTON</option>" & _
"<option value='CAMBRIDGE'>CAMBRIDGE</option><option value='HAMILTON'>HAMILTON</option><option value='KINGSTON'>KINGSTON</option><option value='LONDON'>LONDON</option><option value='ORILLIA'>ORILLIA</option><option value='OTTAWA'>OTTAWA</option><option value='OWEN SOUND'>OWEN SOUND</option><option value='PETERBOROUGH'>PETERBOROUGH</option><option value='SOUTH PORCUPINE'>SOUTH PORCUPINE</option><option value='SAINT CATHARINES'>ST. CATHARINES</option><option value='SUDBURY'>SUDBURY</option><option value='THUNDER BAY'>THUNDER BAY</option><option value='TIMMINS'>TIMMINS</option><option value='WINDSOR'>WINDSOR</option><optgroup label='NEWFOUNDLAND & LABRADOR'><option value='CORNER BROOK'>CORNER BROOK</option>"
End Function
You have two options: either get the weather data as XML, parse it yourself and construct your own design, or manipulate the raw HTML string itself, replacing desired images according to the image name with your own images.
I will give code sample for the second option. First of all, check the names of all possible icons (e.g. get weather for different cities with different weather until you got it all) and keep it. Then for each icon, get your own and save it in your server with the same name.
Having this, the following code should do the trick:
Sub ReplaceIcons(ByRef rawHTML)
Const imagesFolder = "images/"
Dim arrImageNames, arrTemp, x
Dim curSrc, y, curImageName
arrImageNames = Array("black_low_cloud.png", "cloudy_with_light_snow.png")
arrTemp = GetBetween(rawHTML, "src=", " ")
For x=0 To UBound(arrTemp)
curSrc = LCase(arrTemp(x))
If Right(curSrc, 3)="png" Then
For y=0 To UBound(arrImageNames)
curImageName = arrImageNames(y)
If InStr(curSrc, curImageName)>0 Then
rawHTML = Replace(rawHTML, "src=" & curSrc & " ", "src=""" & imagesFolder & curImageName & """ ")
End If
End If
Erase arrTemp
End Sub
Function GetBetween(str, leftDelimeter, rightDelimeter)
Dim tmpArr, result(), x
tmpArr=Split(str, leftDelimeter)
If UBound(tmpArr) < 1 Then
GetBetween=Array() : Exit Function
End If
ReDim result(UBound(tmpArr)-1)
For x=1 To UBound(tmpArr)
result(x-1)=(Split(tmpArr(x), rightDelimeter))(0)
Erase tmpArr
End Function
This is just an example replacing two of the icons. In case the images on your server sit in a sub folder put that in imagesFolder
constant otherwise leave it empty. In arrImageNames
put all possible icons.
To use the above, just call it before returning the HTML:
set objXML = nothing
set xmlhttp = nothing
Call ReplaceIcons(retStr)
getweather = retStr