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Simple application built with laravel?

I am looking at getting into Laravel, it looks like an awesome framework, but it seems to be missing one vital piece of its documentation... A "Getting Started" tutorial.

A simple blog tutorial or similar or even an open-source application built on Laravel. Does anyone have links to some good tutorials or resources for Laravel?

I have come across this nettuts tutorial, but it only skims over things very briefly. I was hoping there would be a tutorial that went more in-depth.

There is of course the official documentation but that again is more an overview of what you can use, it doesn't tell you how to use them.


  • Try (As mentioned by @michel-sim)

    It gives you a comprehensive tutorial from start to end and its well written

    Also if you get stuck

    The community is really helpful too. Check the Forums


    Also I would recommend fallendown2005's laravel videos on YouTube. It really helps if you're a beginner