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To Pool or not to Pool java crypto service providers


  • MessageDigest => create new instances as often as needed
  • KeyFactory => use a single shared instance
  • SecureRandom => use a StackObjectPool
  • Cipher => use a StackObjectPool


I face a regular dilemna while coding security frameworks : "to pool or not to pool"

Basically this question is divided on two "groups" :

  1. Group 1 : SecureRandom because the call to nextBytes(...) is synchronized and it could become a bottleneck for a WebApp / a multi-threaded app

  2. Group 2 : Crypto service providers like MessageDigest, Signature, Cipher, KeyFactory, ... (because of the cost of the getInstance() ?)

What is your opinion ?

What are you habits on such questions?

Edit 09/07/2013

I finally took time to test @Qwerky Share class by myself and I find the result quite ... surprising.

The class was lacking my main concern : Pools like GenericObjectPool or StackObjectPool.

So I've reworked the class to test all 4 alternatives :

  • Single shared instance with synchronisation gist
  • new instances inside each loops (I'm not interested in the case when you can pull the digest creation outside the loop) gist
  • GenericObjectPool : gist
  • StackObjectPool : gist

I had to lower the number of loops to 100000 since 1M was taking too much time with pools.

I also added a Thread.yield() at the end of each loop to give the load a nicer shape.

Results (cummulative runtime):

  • MessageDigest
    • new instances : 420 s
    • Single instance : 550 s
    • StackObjectPool : 800 s
    • GenericObjectPool : 1900 s
  • KeyFactory
    • new instances : 400s
    • Single instance : 350 s
    • StackObjectPool : 2900 s
    • GenericObjectPool : 3500 s
  • SecureRandom
    • StackObjectPool : 1600 s
    • new instances : 2300 s
    • GenericObjectPool : 2300s
    • Single instance : 2800 s
  • Cipher
    • StackObjectPool : 2800 s
    • GenericObjectPool : 3500 s
    • Single instance : 5100 s
    • new instances : 8000 s


For MessageDigest and KeyFactory, pools are perf killers and are even worse than a single instance with a synchronisation bottleneck, whereas they are really usefull when it comes to SecureRandom and Cipher


  • If you give 100 threads access to a shared MessageDigest and get them to calculate 1,000,000 hashes each then on my machine the first thread finishes in 70,160ms and the last finishes in 98,748ms.

    If the threads create a new instance of MessageDigest each time, then the first thread finishes in 43,392ms and the last 58,691ms.

    In fact with this example, with only two threads the example creating new instances runs quicker.

    import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService;
    import java.util.concurrent.Executors;
    public class Share {
      final byte[] bytes = new byte[100];
      final MessageDigest sharedDigest;
      final ExecutorService pool;
      int threads = 100;
      Share() throws NoSuchAlgorithmException {
        sharedDigest = MessageDigest.getInstance("MD5");
        pool = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(threads);
      void go() {
        for (int i=0; i<threads; i++) {
          pool.execute(new Runnable() {
            public void run() {
              long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
              for (int i=0; i<1000000; i++) {
                synchronized (sharedDigest) {
                try {
                  MessageDigest digest = MessageDigest.getInstance("MD5");
                } catch (Exception ex) {
              long end = System.currentTimeMillis();
      public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
        Share share = new Share();