What are the differences between information hiding and encapsulation?
I have read that encapsulation means bundling data and the procedures that should operate on them together. If that is so, does the following class achieve encapsulation?
class IsThisEncapsulation {
public int age;
public int getAge() {
return this.age;
public void setAge(int age) {
this.age = age;
Now would declaring the data attribute age
achieve information hiding?
Well I know that making fields private and then making setter and getter of the fields is encapsulation. However, does encapsulation mean just this?
---> Encapsulation is an OOP concept where object state(class fields) and it's behaviour(methods) is wrapped together. Java provides encapsulation using class
Information Hiding:
--> mechanism for restricting access to some of the object's components. Your above example is the case of Information Hiding if you make age
Initially, Information/Data Hiding was considered the part of Encapsulation, and the definitions of Encapsulation would be as:
the second definition is motivated by the fact that in many OOP languages hiding of components is not automatic or can be overridden; thus, information hiding is defined as a separate notion by those who prefer the second definition.
Reference: wikipage