I have a dynamically generated menu (C#), like this:
MenuItem(string text, string value, string imageUrl, string navigateUrl, string target)
MenuItem AdminLevel1 = new MenuItem("Admin", "Admin");
MenuItem AdminPedidosRegisto = new MenuItem("Questions", "AdminQ");
NavigationMenu.Items.Add(new MenuItem("Messages Received", "AdminMessagesR", "", "./Admin/Messages.ascx", "ContainerIframe"));
AdminPedidosRegisto.ChildItems.Add(new MenuItem("Pending", "AdminPending", "", "./Admin/Pedidos.ascx", "ContainerIframe"));`
Where ContainerIframe
is the iframe's ID and NavigationMenu
is the (asp:Menu)'s ID.
I want to add a breadcrumb to my page, but the menu isn't always the same.
Is there a way?
As I could see you manage your menu items manually, you should do the same for breadcrumb items.
Just create a List breadCrumbItems on your master page and in each page you add the corresponding breadcrumb.
If your menu items are dynamically generated, use the same structure to generate your breadcrumbs.