if (osname === 'android') {
Window = require('ui/handheld/android/SignIn');
else {
Window = require('ui/handheld/SignIn');
new Window().open();
function SignIn() {
var self = Ti.UI.createWindow();
//Some design and sign-in validation code
var StatusMain = require('/ui/handheld/android/StatusMain');
new StatusMain(global_vars).open();
return self;
function StatusMain(global_vars) {
var self = Ti.UI.createWindow();
return self;
On StatusMain.js, screen When I click on device's back button APP exits instead of going back on SignIn.js screen
Any help will be highly appreciable!
Thanks in advance,
You can handle back button event like this in your code
window.addEventListener('android:back', function(){
// close your current window