Currently I am working in YII framework, Where I created a class that extends CFormModel,
In that class I override the following functions:
public function __get($name)
public function __set($name, $value)
I have put the following checks in to make sure end_date and start_date aren't null
if(!empty($this->end_date) AND !empty($this->start_date))
**/*Not Working*/**
/*Some Application Logic*/
But it's not working properly and the condition is not getting satisfied. When I debug the code I came to know that $this->start_date
and $this->end_date
is not empty. Afterwards I changed the checks to the following:
if($this->end_date!='' AND $this->start_date!='')
/*Some Application Logic*/
It's working as expected, but still I don't get why the empty function is not working properly. Is it because of magic method OR is there any reason for this issue?
You have to define a magic __isset() method for this to work.
public function __isset($name) {
return isset($this->data[$name]);
This will be triggered calls to isset() or empty() for inaccessible properties.