I'm looking for a way to activate a/some datapoint(s) on a jquery flot line chart by triggering a click on an external button. How could i do this - how would i get a handle on a datapoint without using the mouse - and how would i activate it and activate a tooltip?
Thanks for any expert advice!
In my previous comment I was unaware of the API hooks and methods that exist in FLOT. The old docs were a very primitive txt
file. Here is a simple example using highlight/unhighlight
as well as using the pointOffset()
method to calculate a data point's pixel position in the chart in order to position a tooltip.
<button data-index="4">Highlight 5th point</button>
<button data-index="9">Highlight 10th point</button>
<button data-index="19">Highlight 20th point</button>
var plotData =/* data array*/
var idx=$(this).data('index');
plot.highlight(dataSeriesIndex, idx);
var dataPoint=plotData[idx];
var position=plot.pointOffset({ x: dataPoint[0], y: dataPoint[1] })
var tipHTML='Data:<br> X='+dataPoint[0] +'<br> Y=' +dataPoint[1];
$('#tooltip').css({left: position.left+10, top: position.top-10}).show().html(tipHTML)