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Problems with window.postMessage on Chrome

I have been stuck on this for hours.

I have a.html on that contains an iframe with src to b.html on a.html has some JS code to postMessage to the iframe.

The code to postMessage is simple:

iframe_window.postMessage('message', iframe_element.src)

But this way, Chrome throws an error:

Unable to post message to Recipient has origin null.

I have also tried:

iframe_window.postMessage('message', '')


This is the ONLY WAY it works:

iframe_window.postMessage('message', '*')

But I have heard '*' is not good to use.

No problems in Firefox.


  • It looks like this might be an issue with the child iframe not being loaded at the time the signal is sent, thus iframe.src doesn't have the proper value.

    I did some testing and got the same error as you, but when I wrapped the postMessage call in a setTimeout and waited 100ms then there was no error, which tells me that this is an initialisation race condition.

    Here's how I implemented a cleaner solution without the setTimeout:


    window.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function() {
        var iframe = document.querySelector("iframe")
          , _window = iframe.contentWindow
        window.addEventListener("message", function(e) {
            // wait for child to signal that it's loaded.
            if ( === "loaded" && e.origin === iframe.src.split("/").splice(0, 3).join("/")) {
                // send the child a message.
                _window.postMessage("Test", iframe.src)
    }, false)


    window.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function() {
        // signal the parent that we're loaded.
        window.parent.postMessage("loaded", "*")
        // listen for messages from the parent.
        window.addEventListener("message", function(e) {
            var message = document.createElement("h1")
            message.innerHTML =
        }, false)
    }, false)

    This is a simple solution in which the child will signal to anyone that it's loaded (using "*", which is okay, because nothing sensitive is being sent.) The parent listens for a loaded event and checks that it's the child that it's interested in that's emitting it.

    The parent then sends a message to the child, which is ready to receive it. When the child gets the message it puts the data in an <h1> and appends that to the <body>.

    I tested this in Chrome with actual subdomains and this solution worked for me.