There is an text field id_number and for the data to be entered in this field should satisfy the following conditions
The first 2 letters must be "MU" or "mu"
No spaces or special character will be allowed
If the value in id_number doesn't match the 2 above condition then "Please enter valid ID e.g, MUXYZ001" will be displayed.
For this I have written a short custom validation rule:
jQuery.validator.addMethod("checkId", function(value, element) {
var id_val = $("#id_number").val();
var string1=id_val.substr(0,2);
var badchars = /[<>$@&+()[\]{},` ]/;
if ( (string1=='mu') && (!(badchars.test(id_val)))){
return false;
return true;
}, "Please enter valid ID e.g, MUXYZ001");{/literal}
and the custom rule :
rules: {
id_number: {checkId: true}
but it's not working ..
Someone kindly fix it for me.
Use regex instead, see this sample snippet to get the idea:
jQuery.validator.addMethod("checkId", function(value, element) {
var id_val = $("#id_number").val();
var reg= new RegExp("^mu\\d{2}\\D+$","i");
if (reg.test(id_val)){
return true;
return false;
}, "Please enter valid ID e.g, MUXYZ001");{/literal}