Okay, I am working on converting some objective c code to c# here is what I have.
NSTimeInterval now = [[NSDate date] timeIntervalSince1970];
NSData * formattedstring= [[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@%.0f%@", string1, now, string2] dataUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];
So for I have created a helper class and I have this:
var authTime = GetTimeIntervalSince1970(DateTime.Now);
var authDataString = String.Format("{0}{1}{2]",username, authTime, password);
So, my question is the "%.0f" and the "dataUsingEncoding:NSTimeInterval". I know the first part has something to do with formatting the "now" parameter, what do I need to do to make sure I'm doing the same thing in c#, and can someone explain this to me in detail or direct me to an article/blog I should read?
Update: Okay guys I messed up, I'm sorry I copied and pasted wrong which is party of my confusion. the dataUsingEncoding:NSTimeInterval should read: dataUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding. So I have fixed the post.
The second line of your Objective-C code consists of two parts:
NSString *tmp = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@%.0f%@", string1, now, string2];
NSData *formattedstring = [tmp dataUsingEncoding:NSTimeInterval];
The first part generates a string. NSTimeInterval
is typedef
ed to double
, so %.0f
basically format the floor of now
(e.g. from 3.1415926
to @"3"
). So, assuming your GetTimeIntervalSince1970
returns a floating number, the equivalent in C# is
string tmp = string.Format("{0}{1:F0}{2}", username, authTime, password);
The second part, however, is confusing. dataUsingEncoding:
takes an NSStringEncoding
argument, but NSTimeInterval
is not one of the available built-in constants. As a matter of fact, this most likely shouldn't even compile because NSTimeInterval
is an typedef
, and can't be converted (implicitly) to an integer. I think NSData
is roughly equivalent to System.Byte[]
in C#, but whether you need to convert the string depends on your specific need.