I've been playing with three.js for few weeks now and got few inconsistencies on ray casting. Here is a simplified version demonstrating one of the bug I encoutered :
The camera is added to the sphere mesh for further use of TrackBallControl for example.
Clicking a few times on the sphere and opening the console, show us none of the expected intersections between the ray and the mesh.
Adding the camera to the scene (http://jsfiddle.net/eMrhb/9/), solves the problem:
But I could use a much more complex hierarchy between my scene objects and the camera to suit my needs.
Is this a limitation? If it is, is there any workarounds I could use?
Yes, this is fixable.
If the camera is a child of another object that is rotated and or translated, then your have to use a different pattern in ray casting.
Instead of this familiar pattern:
var ray = new THREE.Ray( camera.position, vector.subSelf( camera.position ).normalize() );
You have to use this pattern instead:
var position = camera.matrixWorld.getPosition().clone();
var ray = new THREE.Ray( position, vector.subSelf( position ).normalize() );
three.js r.53