I'm trying to write a simple hello world program in visual c++ using visual studio 2010 prof. Im getting the following error after successful build.
System Error:
Application couldn't start because stlport.5.2.dll is missing
When I searched about it it is an open source project. So what is the link between these two? The only thing I changed from default VS installation is importing settings from other machine which is main build machine for our company.
Here is what I did: 1. Create an empty project. 2. Added a source file Main.cpp with hello world line. 3. F7 4. Ctrl+F5
Now I'm getting above error
try to run devend.exe /ResetAddin
there shouldn't be any problem.
make sure you create a simple empty project and not some kind of pre-defind project that loads other components by default. (win32 console application)
Also - search you project's external dependencies.. remove any h file that is there...