I did a sequential version of game of life, but now I need to make a parallel version of my code using OpenMP, but I am having some issues with it. If anyone could help me, it would be very nice. Thks. Here's my sequential code:
// Swapping the two grids
#define SWAP_BOARDS( b1, b2 ) do { \
char* temp = b1; \
b1 = b2; \
b2 = temp; \
} while(0)
// Simplifying access to grid elements
#define BOARD( G, X, Y ) ((G)[NC*(X)+(Y)])
char* sequential_game_of_life (char* outgrid, char* ingrid,
const int nrows, const int ncols, const int gens_max) {
const int NC = ncols;
int curgen, i, j;
for (curgen = 0; curgen < gens_max; curgen++)
for (i = 0; i < nrows; i++)
for (j = 0; j < ncols; j++)
const int inorth = mod (i-1, nrows);
const int isouth = mod (i+1, nrows);
const int jwest = mod (j-1, ncols);
const int jeast = mod (j+1, ncols);
const char neighbor_count =
BOARD (ingrid, inorth, jwest) +
BOARD (ingrid, inorth, j) +
BOARD (ingrid, inorth, jeast) +
BOARD (ingrid, i, jwest) +
BOARD (ingrid, i, jeast) +
BOARD (ingrid, isouth, jwest) +
BOARD (ingrid, isouth, j) +
BOARD (ingrid, isouth, jeast);
BOARD(outgrid, i, j) = alivep (neighbor_count, BOARD (ingrid, i, j));
SWAP_BOARDS( outgrid, ingrid );
return outgrid;
I know that I have to parallel those 3 for's, but I cant see how to do that.
I think the outer loop can not be parallelized, because input to each generation is the previous generation, so it has a sequential formula (at least you can not do it with minor changes!)
In case of nested loops which traverse a matrix or something like that, I prefer to run a single loop from 0
to ncol*nrow
(in your case) and find i
and j
from loop index.
like this:
// because you are running a parallel codes multiple times in a loop,
// it would be better to make the thread swarm first and schedule the
// tasks in each loop iteration, to avoid multiple creation and destruction
// of working threads
#pragma omp parallel
for (curgen = 0; curgen < gens_max; curgen++)
#pragma omp for
for (t = 0; t < nrows*ncols; t++)
int i = t / ncols;
int j = t % ncols;
const int inorth = mod (i-1, nrows);
const int isouth = mod (i+1, nrows);
const int jwest = mod (j-1, ncols);
const int jeast = mod (j+1, ncols);
const char neighbor_count =
BOARD (ingrid, inorth, jwest) +
BOARD (ingrid, inorth, j) +
BOARD (ingrid, inorth, jeast) +
BOARD (ingrid, i, jwest) +
BOARD (ingrid, i, jeast) +
BOARD (ingrid, isouth, jwest) +
BOARD (ingrid, isouth, j) +
BOARD (ingrid, isouth, jeast);
BOARD(outgrid, i, j) = alivep (neighbor_count, BOARD (ingrid, i, j));
SWAP_BOARDS( outgrid, ingrid );
I ran this code on my laptop with Dual Core 2.53 GHz CPU on a 1000x1000 matrix over 1000 generations, and got 69% speed up.