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how can I convince iverilog that the vpi is a system function and not a task

I am trying to use a vpi function in iverilog that will return a value to the verilog test bench after it is called. It compiles ok but returns the following when I run

Error: $flash_dat() is a system task, it cannot be called as a function.

I have put the relevant portions of the code below. I would appreciate it if I can either get an example including the compile and run process of using a vpi function that returns a value in iverilog (I did search in google for but did not get any example for iverilog) or get a pointer to the mistake I made in this code. Thanks in advance for your time.

Thanks, Vinay

Code: verilog

always @(flash_adr) #110 flash_do <= $flash_dat(flash_adr);

.sft file

$flash_dat vpiSysFuncInt


 void flash_dat_register()
  s_vpi_systf_data tf_data;
  tf_data.type      = vpiSysTask;
  tf_data.tfname    = "$flash_dat";
  tf_data.calltf    = flash_dat_calltf;
  tf_data.compiletf = flash_dat_compiletf;
  tf_data.sizetf    = 0;
  tf_data.user_data = 0;

void (*vlog_startup_routines[])() = {

static unsigned int flash_dat_calltf()
unsigned int addr= tf_getp(1);
tf_putp (0,((flash_array[addr+1]<<16)|flash_array[addr]));
return ((flash_array[addr+1]<<16)|flash_array[addr]);


SOURCES=tb_norflash16.v flash_dat.sft $(wildcard ../rtl/*.v)

all: tb_norflash16 flash_dat.vpi

vvp -M. -mflash_dat tb_norflash16

tb_norflash16: $(SOURCES)
iverilog -o tb_norflash16 $(SOURCES)

flash_dat.vpi: flash_dat.c flash_dat.sft
iverilog-vpi $^


  • The answer was kind of right in front of my eyes I need to change

    tf_data.type      = vpiSysTask;


    tf_data.type      = vpiSysFunc;

    Thanks for the help